I write to you all today from the comfort of my home office, with a lovely warm scented candle keeping
me cozy and present on a blustery winter day. By the time this newsletter comes out, we are in
December, one of my favourite months of the year. We have officially entered the season of cozy.
I wanted to do the article in the newsletter a little different this time around. I wanted to share my heart
with you, our dear patients, and lovely readers.
I love winter for many reasons. Of course, the cross-country skiing opportunities, playing in the
snow, watching how happy my dog is in the snow. There is nothing that compares to walking my dog
during a snowstorm where the visibility is low and there are very few people out and about. I feel like
I’m walking in sense of serene solitude, while the wind and snow are blowing like crazy, I’m safely
nestled underneath the layers of my clothing, safe from the elements, yet, also a part of it.
The coziness, however, is what really draws me in towards winter. Growing up in Norway, the
culture is built around “hygge” or a sense of coziness. This is so ingrained in my soul; it is one of my
favourite states of being. Coziness can be defined as a feeling of warm, comfortable, safe state. It is that
feeling you get when you’re snuggled up under a blanket with a cup of something warm in your mug,
when the fireplace is on and it is dark outside and it isn’t even 6 o’clock yet. It is that feeling you get
when you’re sitting around the table with the people you love the most in the world, eating good food,
laughing, smiling, and loving on each other. That is what coziness is. That is what winter so beautifully
allows us to relish in.
There are many ways to make your world a little cozier and warmer in this cold snowy season. I
love lighting a candle whenever I’m by the computer and have to be productive. The crackling of the
flame reminds me to be present. Words and deeds of kindness in a time that might be stressful for
others can bring a warmth to your heart like nothing else can, and you could be making someone’s day.
Taking time for self care, such as movement, self-reflection, and getting adjusted can help cultivate this
gratitude for what we have and the season we are in. My personal favourites are yoga, morning
journaling, and adjustments.
I’m off to take my dog out for a walk in the blowing snow we have at the moment. I will leave
you with a question that I hope can help you enjoy and relish in the season that we have, even by just a
How can you make your day a little more cozy?