Which body parts consist of 26 bones that come together to form 33 joints and are held together by a whole bunch of muscle tendons and ligaments while carrying literally all of your weight all day long? Yep, you guessed it, your foot and ankle! … [Read more...]
Do you have wrist complaints?
Did you know that chiropractic care can help with wrist pain and other wrist issues? There are many causes of wrist pain. Some of them include arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, overuse injuries, and trauma. It can be hard to figure … [Read more...]
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! All of us as Foundation Chiropractic would like to say thank you for your continued support in 2021. We are so grateful for each and everyone of our practice members. Your choice of Foundation Chiropractic as part of your health care … [Read more...]
At Home Fitness Testing
At Home Fitness Testing Have you ever wondered what exactly is fitness? What does it actually mean to be fit? As defined by the CDC “Physical fitness is defined as the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue … [Read more...]
New Clinic Policies
New Clinic Policies If prior to your appointment you begin to feel unwell, please call and we will gladly reschedule you. Please allow adequate time to arrive for your scheduled appointment, if you are late we will need to … [Read more...]
Regarding COVID-19
Happy 5th Anniversary!
Time flies when you’re having fun! It is already our 5th Anniversary at Foundation Chiropractic! We wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to our patients for trusting our clinic with your family’s health over the last 5 years. To … [Read more...]
Postural Exercises
Here is a word document with our best postural exercises. We may recommend you doing one or multiple. Consult your chiropractor or a medical professional before starting any of these exercises. Talk to us if you have any questions! … [Read more...]
Chiropractic – More than pain relief
People today most often seek chiropractic care to help manage pain. Some of the most common reasons for seeking out a chiropractor includes back pain, neck pain, and headaches. However, did you know that pain management is only one of the any effects … [Read more...]